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ELEM Digital

Social Media Use and Youth Mental Health

By September 8, 2023No Comments

Ynet recently posted an article about the psychological damages youth might face on social media. They note the suicide attempt of 14 year old from Colorado that stemmed from not getting “enough likes on Instagram.” Her story is similar to that of other youth.

One of the ways ELEM tries to bridge the gap and protect youth online is through ELEM Digital.

“The main goal of adolescence is the formation of self-identity while separating from parents and settling and finding oneself in the social world. Today, for the youth, the digital space is the new social space. Self-worth and social value are measured by the treatment they receive on social media – the number of likes, followers, comments, views, etc. When they don’t get the number of likes they expected, they are disappointed and hurt.

In addition, teenagers continue to be in a space where they sometimes experience vulnerability and find it difficult to detach from it. Watching the videos and constantly comparing the lives and the perfect world of others through photos and filters evokes feelings of depression and even suicidal thoughts.

We at ELEM Digital are there for them, right in these moments. We identify boys and girls who face adversity on social media and provide a therapeutic response online.” – Ayelet Globerman, ELEM Manager

youth and social media