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2023 War

Compassion in Action

By November 24, 2023No Comments

Israeli youth are still being traumatized by the war, but many also see compassion in action. They watch painful videos on social media, hear first-person stories about attacks, and have friends and family who were directly affected by the horrors of October 7th. Many youths still have to run  to a bomb shelter several times a day. 

As a result, a significant number of Israeli youth have become at risk, while others who were already at risk are experiencing a heightened level of insecurity and fear. We’re potentially looking at an entire generation of youth in Israel becoming at-risk and emotionally fragile.

At a time like this, feeling useful can be very empowering. This is especially important for young people who are feeling a loss of control following the attacks.

Yarden, the manager of the ELEM’s Outreach Van in Netanya, together with our volunteers and youth, went around the city to collect products and donations for soldiers and displaced families and brought them to designated collection points to give our youth a sense of purpose.

Through helping others, ELEM helps youth to help themselves by channeling anger into compassion. 

Our staff and volunteers provide youth across Israel with hope every day. They serve youth in programs online and in person, and support evacuated youth in pop-up spaces across the country. Here youth talk with staff,  get help, and start processing their feelings and trauma.

Would you like to help ELEM during this difficult time. Head to our donation page to learn more.