Friends, we’re writing these words with a heavy heart.
As we near the end of the year, a very grim picture is becoming clear. Between the war in Ukraine, the unstable financial situation in the U.S. and worldwide, and the fluctuating political environment in Israel, ELEM, for the first time in its 40-year history, will close the year in a severe deficit and has been forced to make some devastating decisions.
Many of ELEM’s programs rely on shared funding split between ELEM and the different Israeli Ministries or local municipalities. The recent numerous elections mean that the decision-makers constantly change, and some of the funds promised to ELEM never make it to our programs.
This year’s loss of income has been significant, and ELEM has no choice but to shut down multiple programs in 2023. It’s not a question of if programs will close, but how many will close.
We turn to you, our friends and supporters. The only possibility we have to save some of the programs that are scheduled to close is to raise $300,000 by the end of December.
We know this year has been challenging for everyone. Still, we’re asking for your generosity again in the face of hundreds of youths who are about to lose their therapists, mentors, vocational counselors, support groups and safe havens.
Please make a contribution by clicking here.
ELEM’s youth, staff, and volunteers wish you a safe and festive holiday season.
Lenore Ruben,
Liora Attias,

ELEM Youth Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Hafuch Center