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Galgal is Getting a New Home

By July 28, 2023No Comments

As many of you know, Galgal, our shelter for homeless young women in Jerusalem, was burned down six months ago. It was an incredibly difficult experience. Beyond the sorrow, fear and sadness of losing the shelter, it was a real tragedy as young women who have already experienced homelessness are the ones who are left without a roof over their heads.

ELEM had a few difficult months. The team found temporary housing for our young women, a new permanent location for galgal and then move on to renovating and organizing the new shelter in record time. The new shelter is starting to look like a home. A home for young women for whom this shelter is their only home.

ELEM couldn’t have done it alone. It is thanks to wonderful volunteers that helped throughout this renovation that this is happening.  Galgal’s young women are finally getting the home they deserve!

volunteer in galgal