Drop-In Centers

Family members and friends cannot always provide the support that youth at-risk need. They might be overburdened, ill-equipped, or simply not present. Formal frameworks such as schools often don’t encourage youth to open up and share their problems and emotions.
In addition, at-risk youth often find themselves roaming the streets, especially after school hours. Boredom and lack of a positive environment may lead them to partake in dangerous or illegal activities, both on the streets and online.
COVID has exacerbated this situation, as any sense of routine and normalcy disappeared. This is especially true for marginalized Arab and Haredi communities that experience unique challenges around crime, poverty, and inter-community issues.
Since 1999 ELEM has been operating a national network of youth counseling and information centers. The 12 centers, located across the country, support youth ages 12-18. These youth experience various challenges, from normal growing pains to extreme risk and neglect. They come from all backgrounds of Israeli society, and many are immigrants.
Some of the centers are designed like coffee shops to provide a welcoming, non-threatening environment, while others resemble a living room. Youths can meet with professionals and volunteers and socialize with their peers in a casual setting. Activities offered include group meetings for guidance and support, individual sessions, volunteer projects, and workshops. The workshops include recreational hobbies such as cooking, martial arts, photography, and music, as well as discussions relevant to the youth, such as healthy sexuality, financial management, and cyberbullying. ELEM’s staff works in close cooperation with other youth services in the area and refers teens for further guidance and treatment when necessary.
ELEM also operates Finjan centers, which serve Bedouin teens and are adapted to their unique needs, as well as Nur Centers for Arab teenage girls, and A Warm Home for Arab teenage boys.
In 2021, over 1,900 youths received assistance through the Youth Centers Field. In a study of 150 youths examining the effectiveness of our centers in reducing dangerous behaviors among youths, the findings showed that ELEM’s work significantly reduces dangerous behaviors such as violence, dropping out of school, and substance abuse.
“This place is my second home. You rarely meet people like the staff here. When I came here for the first time, I was a violent and impulsive girl. The center gave me meaning, taught me to view life differently and show restraint when necessary.”
Kiryat ShmonaDrop-In Center Alumna